Our Focus
Family is Everything
Parents know what’s best for our children and their voices must be heard. Many parents have real, legitimate concerns about the direction education in Florida is heading, and healthy dialogues allow schools and teachers to grow. The role that parents and families play within education at all levels is imperative. When all players make children the sole focus, our children benefit.
Education is Above Politics
Our children are not pawns, and certain politicians have no right to use them to score political points. This is not about D or R, it’s about E – education. Certain politicians are trying to frame issues in education as being the fault of parents on one side or another, but that could not be further from the truth. These politicians are trying to drive a wedge between schools and families, to the detriment of students. We must take political rhetoric out of the debate and recenter on what is truly best for children, not what makes headlines for certain politicians trying to win a game that has nothing to do with our kids.
Schools Teach Kids What They Need
Schools teach independent thinking so that our children can navigate the world successfully, and every child deserves access to high quality and age-appropriate education. Our schools have a responsibility to help prepare children for the next stage of their life, and eventually the real world, and part of that requires understanding sensitive subjects. We must recognize that sensitive topics will require teachers to learn new skills, and teachers need encouragement and resources to properly support our children’s learning.
Schools Help Build Strong Citizens
American exceptionalism is real but fragile. Our children need to learn about our responsibility to protect it. Americans need to understand our complete and true story as we move forward; that is what sets our country apart. That understanding begins in our schools, and any attempt to limit learning as un-American is a direct attack on our freedoms and the values that makes our country so unique. Education builds awareness and is a vehicle for teaching good citizenship.
Our Team